Pop Up Viola Serenades December 2020
On December 19th and 20th, the Houston Viola Society is sponsoring Pop Up Viola Serenades. Each Serenade will last between 5-20 minutes and include holiday and/or classical favorites performed by violists of all ages from the Houston area.
Residents in select neighborhoods may sign up to “host” a pair of violists for a short (5 to 20 minutes) socially distanced and masked performance of holiday music and classical favorites in their front yard. Residents are encouraged to invite friends and neighbors and are expected to follow local health guidelines. There will be an orientation for all hosts on Sunday, December 13th at 4:00 pm or on Friday, December 18th at 7:30 pm. Orientations will be held on Zoom, with a link emailed to participants prior to the meeting start.
Local violists of all ages and levels may sign up to perform. The Houston Viola Society will provide appropriate music and a schedule. Each violist will be responsible for their own transportation and music stand. There will be an orientation for all participants on Sunday, December 13th at 5:00 pm or on Friday, December 18th at 6:30 pm. Orientations will be held on Zoom, with a link emailed to participants prior to the meeting start. All participating violists must do a temperature check before the first performance and fill out a health questionnaire. Performances may be cancelled or postponed in the case of inclement weather.
Dates and Times
Saturday, December 19th, 1:00-3:00
Sunday, December 20th, 12:00-2:00
West University/Rice Village 1:00-3:00 12/19
Heights/Garden Oaks 1:00-3:00 12/19
Meyerland/Willowbend/Westbury 12:00-2:00 12/20
Additional locations and dates may be added. If you would like to request a Pop Up Viola Serenade in your neighborhood, please reach out to us at info@houstonviolasociety.org.
Get Involved!

Host Expectations and Requirements
*Hosts will allow performers to set up stands and perform in the hosts’ front yard.
*Hosts may invite guests and neighbors in compliance with local health guidelines.
*Hosts will allow performers to maintain a six foot distance from all guests.

Performer Expectations and Requirements
*Performers must provide their own instrument and music stand. Music will be provided by HVS.
*Performers are responsible for their own transportation to, from, and for the duration of the event.
*Performers will check their temperature prior to the first performance and report it to HVS.
*Performers will answer a health questionnaire screening prior to the first performance.
*Performers will conduct themselves professionally and respectfully when interacting with hosts.
*Performers will wear face masks covering their nose and mouth and maintain a 6 ft distance from others.