Recital Archive


First Set

Palestrina: Hodie Christus natus est (1575) | Kurtag: Perpetuum mobile, Nepdalfele- Im Volkston, Vagdalkozos, and The Carenza Jig from Signs, Games, and Messages(1961-2005) | Stravinksy: Elegy (1944) | Bowen: Fantasia for Four Violas (1907)

Second Set

Lodge: Pacific Rock (2000) | Bunch: The 3Gs (2005) | Bridge: Lament for Two Violas(1912) | Piazzolla: Libertango (1974)

Third Set

Mazzoli: A Thousand Tongues (2009) | Bach: Chaconne  (1720) | Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody (1975)

Performers (in order of appearance)

Jarita Ng | Nina Bledsoe | Sergein Yap | Tony Parce | Yvonne Smith | Rene Salazar | Teddy Schenkman | Rainey Weber | Whitney Bullock | Rachel Halvorsen | Sebastian Stefanovic | Sarah Mason | Austin Simmons | Alexa Thomson | Sarah Teasdale | Kathryn Dark | Megan Wright | Sheldon Person | Joan DerHovsepian

1919: A Hundred Year Celebration

On January 19th, 1919 we hosted a 1919 Celebration concert, featuring Hindemith’s 11/4 Sonata, Clarke’s Sonata for Viola and Piano, and Bloch’s 1919 Suite, performed by violists Sergein Yap, Tonya Burton, Katie Carrington, Rainey Weber, Yvonne Smith, Ilana Mercer, Matthew Carrington, Rene Salazar, and Jarita Ng and pianists Jasmine Hatem and Eliza Ching.

8:00 PM, Saturday January 19th, 2019 at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church (5308 Buffalo Speedway)